November 4, 2007

My Favorite Typefaces

My original intent was to begin this post with a butchered rendition of "My Favorite Things" reinterpreted to express my love for all things Type. But I figured everybody involved would be better off if I forgo the shenanigans and dive straight into the post. There are many typefaces that I love, but these are some I've found popping up in my work frequently over the last five years. The obvious trend—lots of slab serif or no serif at all.

My Favorite Fonts


The Dog Dish said...

oooh I like those fonts too! Are any of those on my site? hmmm.... I look forward to seeing more cool fonts, thanks for posting!

Studiostein said...

Thanks! None of those typefaces are on your site but I seriously considered Barmeno and Bernard Condensed — both used in your logo and print materials. Yes...more to come.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Yes, I dig these typefaces as well. Egyptian slab serifs are definitely growing on me (a la London's Guardian newspaper -- a REAL masterpiece in typography, BTW). I'm also loving the typefaces from H&FJ's Proteus Project. Great for display and headlines!

Studiostein said...

I discovered the Guardian just recently, and yes, the typography is fantastic. If you haven't seen it, you should check out A great website devoted to newspaper typography and design.