August 26, 2007

Day of nothing

I don't delude myself that visitors to this blog want to read about my political leanings. This little corner of the internet is about design, not politics. I am neither learned in the political sciences nor thoroughly up to date on world affairs. My political convictions are based largely on what I hear on NPR a couple times a week, what I see in the headlines of, and what I feel in my gut when I take all this, and much more into consideration. That being said, I promise to keep all political ramblings to a minimum.

At the urging of my gut, and aided by a strong desire to do more "extracurricular" design, I created this poster to promote the 9/11 General Strike. Whether or not they include it on the official website for download by the public is yet to be determined, but you can download the full size PDF here, print it and post it in your neighborhood if you are so inclined.

Regardless, it felt good to break from client projects and create something that reflects my personal convictions. While I don't think that design alone can change the world, I do believe that it is a critical tool in bringing about political, social and environmental progress.


Anonymous said...

I think it's really awesome, Aaron!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Poster, i love it and will print it and post it at my condo building!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't make me bust out the peedees